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Our network of tutors are the pride and glory of our company. With regular collaboration and training we have grown to be a tight knit team.
Our training program helps our team perform better, making our service what it is today.
Our tutors are inspirational leaders that pave the way for the next generation of learners to add value to society.
We are a leading tutoring service across the UK, and Internationally with our online tutoring program. Specialising in university and advanced level professional tutoring we need tutors that can offer this level of expertise. If you can teach across the spectrum from selective school admissions level to advanced professional courses, then we want to hear from you.
Adams Tutors places our tutors personal development very serious, by providing them with continuous training to enhance their skills and excel at what they are doing. We also support our tutors with access to leading learning resources and material, making their service provision more seamless.
If you have the subject knowledge and teaching experience then apply now.
Adams Tutors recruitment and selections process consist of four key stages, this is to ensure quality of service provided by our tutors.