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Adams Tutors 11+ Maths tutors are experienced in the field of 11+ exam techniques, to provide your child the required assistance to succeed in their 11+ exams.
Our Maths tutors cover both GL 11+ Standardized testing and CEM testing.
Adams Tutors provide 11+ Practice Tests that are created in-house based on the intended school entrance exams.
Adams Tutors do not just have the tutors to teach 11+ Maths, they also possess education consultants that can assess your child to see the best school for them.
We also provide mock interviews to prepare your child for the 11 plus interview. This service will also provide detailed feedback to see the areas of improvement.
Over the years Adams Tutors have provided assistance to parents that saw their children enter leading schools such as:
Adams Tutors 11 Plus Maths learning support services is an all-encompassing service that considers all your child’s needs from understanding and applying the material to getting accepted at the chosen school.